We have had lots of questions about who to include in the number of people in your household when trying to determine your subsidy amount. Here is a quick summary:
When filling out your application, DO include:
- Yourself
- Your spouse
- Your children who live with you, even if they make enough money to file a tax return themselves
- Your unmarried partner who needs health coverage
- Anyone you include on your tax return as a dependent, even if they don’t live with you
- Anyone else under 21 who you take care of and lives with you

DON’T include:
- Your unmarried partner who doesn’t need health coverage and is not your dependent
- Your unmarried partner’s children, if they are not your dependents
- Your parents who live with you, but file their own tax return and are not your dependents
- Other relatives who file their own tax return and are not your dependents
To learn more about who qualifies as a dependent, refer to IRS Publication 501. (Excellent reading material if you can't sleep!)
More information is available on our website at www.CreeekstoneBenefits.com.
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