You have a lot of options when setting up your HSA bank account.
- Your local bank
- Online banks
- Credit Unions
We recommend finding a place that does NOT charge setup or monthly of fees.
The 2 main places we recommend are:
Tower Bank or The HSA
Authority . They have no fees, easy set up and will work with employers to help make deductions easier. They know A LOT about HSAs. If you have a question, they can answer it!
The other local
(Ohio) place we use is Powerco Credit Union. They are great with local groups or
individuals who really want a brick and mortar place. They will even go out to an employer group and enroll
employees. This is great for groups with
more than 15 employees on an HSA. There are no monthly fees . The catch, the individual
enrolling needs to either live, work, worship or attend school in Delaware,
Franklin, Madison, or Union County.
We do not get any compensation from these places. They have just done a good job in the past for our clients.
Author:Tiffany Geiger. President
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